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Think Like an Astronaut

Author(s): Gregory L. Vogt, EdD, Barbara Z. Tharp, MS, and Christopher A. Burnett, BA.
Think Like an Astronaut

The Think Like an Astronaut Teacher's Guide introduces students to the challenges of space travel and includes lessons about the Earth, the solar system, microgravity, and life in space. The following activities are offered:

1. Where Are We? - The World Spins On and On

2. Exploring the Atmosphere - Air's All Around!

3. Exploring Gravity - Falling Down/Standing Up

4. Beyond Earth's Atmosphere - Celestial Objects

5. The Space Adventure - All About Space Travel

6. Astronaut Issues - Living In Space

7. Careers in Space Exploration - It Could Be You!

Download: Think Like an Astronaut

Funded by the following grant(s)

National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation, Directorate of Education and Human Resources

Grant Number: DRL-1028771