The Brain, Neurons and Brain Chemistry
Purkinje cells (blue) in the cerebellum.
Image by Mathieu Letellier, Honorable Mention, 2009 Olympus BioScapes Digital Imaging Competition®.
Students learn about the brain, neurons and chemical communication in the brain and nervous system, while building understanding of the powerful effects of drugs in the brain and body, and how our choices can affect brain function and performance.
The Brain (pre-assessment)
LessonStudents are introduced to the structure of the brain, and they complete a pre-assessment that measures how much they already know about the brain and nervous system.
What Is a Neuron?
LessonStudents build a model neuron and learn how neurons send and receive messages.
Neural Network Signals
LessonStudents create an electrical circuit and investigate whether or not different dissolved substances conduct electricity.
Neurotransmitters Contain Chemicals
LessonStudents play a simple card game to learn the sequence of events involved in transmitting signals through the nervous system.
Crossing the Synaptic Gap
LessonStudents conduct a simulation to demonstrate how multiple incoming signals influence the action of neurons.
Hormones and Stress
LessonStudents describe stressful situations they have experienced, and how their bodies responded to those events.
Drugs, Risks and the Nervous System
LessonStudents estimate the risks associated with different events and compare their estimates to the real probabilities.
Food for the Brain
LessonStudents dissect a slice of pizza to learn about some of the nutrients important for health.
Brain Chemistry (post-assessment)
LessonStudents complete a post-assessment to demonstrate what they have learned about brain chemistry.