Brain Chemistry (post-assessment)

The brain is the most complex organ of the body.
© Peter Lecko.
- Grades:
- Length: 60 Minutes
Students complete a post-assessment to demonstrate what they have learned about brain chemistry.
This activity is from the Brain Chemistry Teacher's Guide. Lessons in the guide are designed for use with students in grades 6–8, but they also may be used with other grade levels as appropriate.
- Teacher
Background - Objectives and Standards
- Materials and
Setup - Procedure and
Extensions - Handouts and
Teacher Background
Students will demonstrate what they have learned about brain chemistry by revisiting and revising the pre-assessment from the beginning of the unit.
Objectives and Standards
The human brain is complex.
Messages within the brain and the rest of the nervous system are conducted by cells called neurons.
Drugs and other substances can interfere with or modify the transmission of messages between neurons.
Science, Health and Math Skills
Summarizing ideas
Presenting results
Materials and Setup
Materials per Student
Notebook paper
Have students’ pre-assessment sheets ready to distribute to students. The pre-assessments should not be graded.
Students will work individually to revise their student sheets.
Procedure and Extensions
Begin with a class discussion. Encourage students to share something they have learned from this unit. Ask questions to prompt further discussion, if necessary.
Return the “Know Your Brain?” pre-assessments to each student.
Instruct students to review the statements and decide if they would like to change any responses. On a separate sheet of paper or on the back of the student sheet, have each student list the responses he or she would like to change and his or her reasoning for making the change.
Next, have students examine their corrected responses and identify statements that they marked as false. Instruct students to rewrite each false statement as a true statement.
With the class, discuss answers that students changed and the ways in which they corrected the false statements.
Have students write a letter to an anonymous teen, explaining the consequences of abusing drugs.
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