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Three stages of mitosis in a human cell; chromosomes are stained blue.
© Laura Trinkle-Mulcahy\Wellcome Images\B0004329 cc-by-nc-nd 4.0

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, mitosis, meiosis, cell cycle, membranes, organization and substructures

  • Calculating Exponential Growth

    Calculating Exponential GrowthLesson

    Students read an essay about the rapid spread of HIV particles in the body, and then learn how to calculate exponential growth using pennies to model the spread of HIV particles in the body.

  • Magnifying and Observing Cells

    Magnifying and Observing CellsLesson

    Students make slides of cells from onion skin and an Elodea leaf, observe their slides under a microscope, and learn that all organisms are composed of cells.

  • Making Copies of an HIV Particle

    Making Copies of an HIV ParticleLesson

    Students read an essay about HIV replication, learn the parts of an HIV particle, and investigate the HIV replication cycle in a host cell.

  • Modeling an HIV Particle

    Modeling an HIV ParticleLesson

    Students read and discuss an essay about the emergence of HIV/AIDS, and learn the basic structure of the virus by making three-dimensional paper models of an HIV particle.

  • Muscle Fibers

    Muscle FibersLesson

    Students learn about muscle structure by comparing yarn and cooked meat.

  • What Is a Neuron?

    What Is a Neuron?Lesson

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