Phytoplankton (bright blue) remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help to stabilize Earth's climate.
Courtesy of NASA Earth Observatory.
Ecosystems, communities, populations, matter and energy cycles, energy transfer (food chains and webs), soil science, global environmental issues, conservation, health, global warming, climate change
LessonsAir, gases, air composition, air movement and temperature, air in the body, vital lung capacity, exercise and breathing rate, air particles and concentrations, dust, mold, indoor air pollution, allergies
LessonsSoil, seeds, plants, plant growth, photosynthesis, edible plant parts, food webs, ecosystems, nutrients, digestion, pollution in food, bacteria, food labels, food safety, bioaccumulation
Global Atmospheric Change
LessonsVisible light, spectrum, electromagnetic radiation, combustion, fossil fuels, carbon cycle, atmosphere, respiration, UV light, skin, skin cancer, food as fuel, climate change, solar energy, greenhouse gas
Needs of Living Things
LessonsDifferences between needs and wants, living and nonliving, and plants and animals, and survival needs for people, plants, and animals (air, food, water, home, habitat, environment).
Resources and the Environment
LessonsNatural resources, living vs. nonliving, natural state, animals needs, habitat, raw food, food processing, raw materials, transforming objects, water cycle, river ecology, water pollution, air quality, construction, building homes, using tools
LessonsSolutions, mixtures, dissolving substances, properties of water, water cycle, precipitation, evaporation, uses of water, water in food and in the body, serial dilution, chromatography, separations, point-source pollution