Global Atmospheric Change

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Physical Science (visible light, spectrum, electromagnetic radiation, combustion, fossil fuels, carbon cycle, atmosphere, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide); Life Science (respiration, UV light, protecting skin, skin cancer, food as fuel); Environmental Science and Health (using energy, global warming, climate change, solar energy, greenhouse gas, greenhouse effect)
Fossil Fuels and the Carbon Cycle
Students learn how geologists locate fossil fuels by using a straw to extract "core samples" from a model that has different layers.
Earth's Energy Sources (pre-assessment)
Students take a pre-assessment to gauge their knowledge of climate change, the atmosphere and carbon cycle, skin cancer, and human health.
Rainbow in the Room
Students learn about colors, prisms, and light, and draw their own rainbows in the proper color sequence.
Modeling Earth's Atmosphere
Students create a 3-m scale model of the atmosphere to learn about its composition and structure.
Finding the Carbon in Sugar
Students learn about combustion and energy by observing (1) a candle burn within a sealed jar, and (2) the burning of white sugar.
Grades: K-2 -
Fuel for Living Things
Students observe and discuss what happens when yeast cells are provided with a source of food (sugar).
Measuring and Protecting Skin
Students compare and contrast their own skin (including its surface area) with that of an orange.
Using Heat from the Sun
Students conduct a discovery activity that allows them to observe how energy from sunlight can heat water.
Greenhouse S'Mores
Students learn about the greenhouse effect by observing the reflective or heat-trapping qualities of different materials.
People and Climate
Students learn about Earth’s major climate types, how climate affects people's lifestyles, and impacts of climate change.
Everyone Counts (post-assessment)
Students review ideas covered in the Global Atmospheric Change unit, write persuasive letters, and revise their pre-assessments, as needed.