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© Alena Brozova.
Physical Science (hydrogen bond, polarity, solutions, mixtures, dissolving substances, properties of water, water cycle, precipitation, evaporation); Life Science (uses of water, water in food and in the body); Environmental Science and Health (serial dilution, chromatography, separations, pollution, point-source pollution)
Why Is Water Important? (pre-assessment)
LessonStudents take a pre-assessment to gauge their knowledge of the role and importance of water in their daily lives. Can be revisited as part of the post-assessment.
What Makes Water Special?
LessonStudents explore and compare the physical properties of water and oil.
What Dissolves in Water?
LessonStudents investigate whether several common substances are soluble in water.
What Is the Water Cycle?
LessonIn this lesson, students create and investigate a simple model of the water cycle.
How Do We Use Water?
LessonTo raise awareness of the different ways we use water, students keep a personal "Water Use Journal" for one day.
How Much Water Is in a Fruit?
LessonStudents investigate and compare the amount of water in an orange and an apple.
How Much Water Do Humans Need?
LessonStudents learn how much water is used and lost during a variety of common daily activities.
What Is a One Part Per Million Solution?
LessonStudents make a solution of food coloring that has a concentration of one part per million.
How Can We Find Out What Is in Water?
LessonStudents use simple paper chromatography to investigate a mystery liquid.
Can Nutrients in Water Cause Harm?
LessonStudents create pond water cultures and investigate the impacts of adding chemical or natural nutrients.
Why Is Water So Important? (post-assessment)
LessonStudents review points covered in this unit and reach conclusions regarding the importance of water to human health.