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Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

Sleep patterns, circadian rhythm, biological clock, external triggers/cues, effects of lack of sleep, animal/plant behavior(s), Sun, Earth's rotation, day/night, seasons, sleep and microgravity

  • Modeling Day and Night

    Modeling Day and NightLesson

    Students make a “mini-globe” to investigate the causes of day and night on Earth.

  • Reason for the Seasons

    Reason for the SeasonsLesson

    Students plot the path of the sun’s apparent movement across the sky on two days, two or three months apart, and learn why Earth experiences different seasons.

  • Using a Sundial

    Using a SundialLesson

    Students make a sundial (shadow clock) and use it to tell time.

  • Living Clocks

    Living ClocksLesson

    Students learn that some behaviors and functions of living organisms vary predictably every 24 hours, and that many life functions are governed by internal "clocks."

  • Sleep Patterns

    Sleep PatternsLesson

    Students collect information about their own sleep cycles and use a fraction wheel to examine their data.

  • Investigating Sleep

    Investigating SleepLesson

    Students investigate how changes in their bedtime impact their own sleep patterns.

  • Sleeping in Space

    Sleeping in SpaceLesson

    Students read about how astronauts sleep in space, write about unusual places in which they have slept, and discuss times they have had difficulty sleeping.

  • Sleep: Assessment

    Sleep: AssessmentLesson

    Summative assessment activity in which students review concepts about sleep and daily cycles, and write illustrated, sleep-related poems.