Nature of Science

Contributions by scientists, how scientists go about their work (methods of science), hypothesis, scientific questions, science careers, history of science.
HIV/AIDS in the United States
Students read an essay about misperceptions related to HIV/AIDS and use statistical data to create presentations on the impacts of HIV/AIDS in the United States.
Mapping the Spread of HIV/AIDS
Students read an essay about how scientists first tracked HIV/AIDS, then play the role of epidemiologist as they use actual data to map the spread of the disease worldwide.
Milestones in Microbiology
Students read about six milestones in the history of microbiology, create a timeline of events, and learn that many scientific advances become possible only after appropriate tools and techniques have been developed.
Scientific Decision-making
Decision-making, scientific method, t-chart, decision, defining objectives, alternative choices, options, compromise and tradeoffs, risk, consequences, comparative effectiveness, evaluate, health decision, healthy choices, heart disease, ischemic.