Resource Collections

These aggregated, comprehensive collections of teaching resources offer age-appropriate, discovery-oriented curriculum on a wide range of science topics. All lessons were developed by scientists and educators at Baylor College of Medicine and are aligned with national standards.
Air, Atmosphere, and Living Systems
The Air unit lets students creatively explore air and the atmosphere, air quality, and related issues, such as allergens in the places we live, study, and work.
All about Food
The Food unit allows students to have fun learning about food sources, healthy eating, food safety, food groups, and overall nutrition.
All for Science™
Authentic Literacy and Language (ALL) for Science is a new curriculum framework designed to teach science aligned with state standards and the national Next Generation Science Standards. The framework also helps students learn to read, write, speak, and listen in ways that are authentic to the practice of science.
COVID-19 Pandemic
The worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 created the unprecedented need for education about viruses, infectious diseases, disease prevention, and public health in general. The COVID HACKS (healthy actions, community knowledge, and science) project offers lessons and other teaching resources to address these needs.
Grades: K-2 -
Experiments in Space
Join in real space research conducted on the International Space Station with investigations that enable students to compare organisms (ants, butterflies, plants, spiders) in their classrooms to similar plants or animals grown in space.
Gene U: Genetics and Inheritance
BioEd Online offers genetics lessons and resources for classroom use, background information, and professional development opportunities for teachers, including individual lessons, online workshops, and a complete undergraduate genetics course.
Global Atmospheric Change
The Global Atmospheric Change unit gives students an opportunity to investigate a variety of physical and life science concepts related to Earth's energy resources, atmosphere, and global ecology.
K-3 STEM Foundations: Life Science
The K–3 STEM Foundations project is developing NGSS-aligned curriculum units that connect science concepts and guided-inquiry activities to reading/language arts, as well as health and wellness.
Grades: K-2 -
MicroMatters: Microbiology
Students explore microbes that are related to health (bacteria, fungi, protists, and viruses) and learn that microbes play key roles in the lives of humans and that some microbes cause diseases.
Neuroscience: The Learning Brain and BrainLink
The Learning Brain and BrainLink® projects provide teaching materials, resources and background information focused on the brain and neuroscience for use with elementary and secondary school students. Materials cover brain structure and chemistry, neurons and the nervous system, senses, movement, learning and memory, and more.
Grades: K-2 -
Students push their limits and discover how their bodies react to a variety of physical challenges in PowerPlay! This monumental, three-story installation lets students leap up and down different levels of a forty-foot tower that provides access to other ares of the exhibit.
Scientific Decision-making
Using examples related to cardiovascular health, the Scientific Decision-making unit helps high school and middle school students learn how to make evidence-based decisions.
Space Life Science
Bring the excitement of space life science to your classroom through curricular units focused on topics such as the effects of microgravity on the body, maintaining fitness and health in space, and the impact of space travel on sleep patterns.
STEM encompasses science, technology, engineering, and math disciplines. A key component of STEM is Medicine. Increasing public health crises require understanding of scientific principles to prevent and address ongoing medical concerns.
Water: Resource for Life
The Water unit provides students with a fresh look at water and lets them discover why it is necessary to the well-being of all living creatures.