Meet our three patients and get basic information about heart attacks.
Personal choices are part of everyday life. Whether choosing what to wear in the morning, what to have for lunch, or which college to attend, our days are filled with decisions. Do we approach decision-making in a systematic and organized way? Perhaps not often enough, particularly when making decisions that affect our health, or that of our family members.
Using examples related to cardiovascular health, the Scientific Decision-making unit helps high school and middle school students learn how to make evidence-based decisions.
Students investigate evidence-based decision-making, using examples related to cardiovascular health. (7 activities)
Slide set containing information and images from the Scientific Decision-making Teacher's Guide, for use in classrooms as needed.
Students explore the cardiovascular system and coronary artery disease, and learn about the signs and symptoms of a heart attack. (3 activities)
Slide set containing information and images from Scientific Decision-making: Activities on the Cardiovascular System, for use in classrooms as needed.
Students practice evidence-based decision-making by examining a simple choice. They estimate and rank the risks of dying from a variety of causes, and compare their estimates to actual data.
View this lesson Download PDF VideoStudents learn how to apply evidence to make informed decisions as they identify the best solutions for problems confronting the characters featured in a series of complex scenarios.
View this lesson Download PDF VideoStudents are introduced to Arturo, Brian and Angela. Each character experiences a health crisis that could be related to cardiovascular disease.
View this lesson Download PDF VideoStudents explore heart-related data, such as blood pressure and oxygen saturation, and learn basic information about the heart and circulatory system.
View this lesson Download PDF VideoStudents learn about risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) and heart attack, strategies for lowering those risks, and the importance of doing so.
View this lesson Download PDF VideoStudents work in teams and take on the role of medical personnel to analyze symptoms, order diagnostic tests, and determine the nature of the health crises experienced by three "patients."
View this lesson Download PDF VideoStudents use information from real patient decision aids to determine if a supplemental drug treatment is advisable for "patients" in three case studies.
View this lesson Download PDF VideoStudents explore the human heart and circulatory system. To promote deeper understanding of key concepts, the activity also includes a procedure for observing preserved sheep hearts.
View this lesson Download PDF VideoStudents investigate coronary artery disease (CAD), create a model of how CAD progresses, and conduct a poster presentation of their research findings.
View this lesson Download PDFStudents compile a list of warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack, and view a video showing what happens immediately before, during and after a heart attack.
View this lesson Download PDFStudents follow three patient case studies to learn how diet, exercise and life choices can affect our cardiovascular health. Your class will use medical information to make evidence-based decisions.
Anatomy of the Heart: Sheep Heart Dissection. Information about heart structure and function; and detailed instructions and a demonstration for conducting a sheep heart dissection.
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Gene edits to ‘CRISPR babies’ might have shortened their life expectancy Bridging the gap between artificial vision and touch Geneticist Sydney Brenner, who made tiny worm a scientific legend, dies Cancer geneticists tackle troubling ethnic bias in studies Court ruling highlights the threat of vaccine misinformationPaul D. Ling, Ph.D., a microbiologist at Baylor College of Medicine, is a leading global expert on elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV), a disease that is killing baby Asian elephants. Join him as he discusses the virus, key discoveries, and a treatment protocol, developed by his research team, that keeps the elephants alive.
Basic review of the human body, including levels of organization, types of tissues, different organ systems, disease prevention in humans, and homeostasis.
Video Digital Slide SetAHRQ's Ischemic Heart Disease Products Translated for High School Populations
Grant Number: 1R18HS019248