Teacher Guides

Download complete instructional guides with teacher background information, classroom lessons and supporting materials created by teams of educators, scientists and healthcare specialists. Some guides also are available in print format.
Muscles and Bones
Teacher Guide
Students investigate bone and muscle structure, physical stress and nutrition, the body's center of gravity, and ways to prevent muscle and bone loss. (10 activities)
Operation Rescue
Teacher Guide
Student teams use STEM tools as they plan and mount a simulated mission to bring medical and other relief supplies to a country devastated by super typhoon. (9 activities)
Plants in Space
Teacher Guide
Students conduct three scientific investigations to learn how light, gravity and microgravity affect the growth of Brassica rapa roots (Wisconsin Fast Plants®).
PowerPlay: Fitness and Physical Activity
Teacher Guide
Students learn how exercise and diet affect their bodies, and engage in fun, unique physical challenges at a children's museum exhibit. (10 activities, 5 pre-visit and 5 post-visit)
Resources and the Environment
Teacher Guide
Young students explore how living things—including humans—use resources found naturally in their environments or modify resources to meet their needs. (11 activities).
Grades: K-2 -
Teacher Guide
Students build and launch rockets to study forces and motion, Newton's Laws, mass, acceleration, change, momentum, push, pull, friction, and more. (15 activities)
Grades: K-2 -
Scientific Decision-making
Teacher Guide
Students learn about evidence-based decision-making as they act as health care providers working to solve three patient cases, one of which may be a heart attack. (7 activities)
Scientific Decision-making: Supplementary Activities on the Cardiovascular System
Teacher Guide
Students explore the cardiovascular system, build a model of coronary artery disease, create a poster of a heart attack, and learn about signs and symptoms of a heart attack. (3 activities)
Sensory System
Teacher Guide
Students learn how the brain, sensory neurons and five senses work together to receive and process information from outside of the body and inside of the body enabling humans to survive. (9 activities)
Sleep and Daily Rhythms
Teacher Guide
Students explore the day/night cycle and seasonal cycles on Earth; create and use sundials; and investigate circadian rhythms, sleep patterns and factors affecting the quality of sleep. (8 activities)
Spiders in Space
Teacher Guide
Students conduct open-ended scientific investigations to discover how gravity and microgravity affect the life cycle and web design of Nephila clavipes (orb-weaver spiders).
Think Like an Engineer
Teacher Guide
Students follow an engineer's approach as they identify problems, brainstorm solutions, design a plan, and build, test, refine, and produce a product or solution. (8 activities)
Train Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Learned Behaviors
Teacher Guide
How do we learn new skills? Are there different types of memories? Students investigate behaviors that occur without conscious thought, as well as skills that can be acquired or improved. (11 activities)
Teacher Guide
Students take a fresh look at water and examine its critical importance to the well-being of all living creatures. (11 activities)