Nature News - Archive

Biology and other science news items from Nature News, the popular science syndication arm of the premier international science publisher, the Nature Publishing Group. Nature News is an authoritative and accessible online roundup of what's new in science research.
February 19, 2019
Hydropower dams can help mitigate the global warming impact of wetlands
Manage methane emissions and produce clean, cheap energy at the same time, argues Mike Muller.
February 15, 2019
Antarctic voyage will explore ocean hidden under ice for 100,000 years
Scientists on board German research icebreaker Polarstern hope to observe underwater ecosystem changing in real-time.
February 13, 2019
Biological sex shapes tumour evolution across cancer types
Whether a person is genetically male or female can influence the kinds of cancer-causing mutations they have.
February 12, 2019
Maya bones bring a lost civilization to life
Trained in both medicine and archaeology, Vera Tiesler has revealed how the human body was deeply woven into the religion, tradition and politics of the Maya world.
February 11, 2019
The biological basis of mental illness
Adrian Woolfson weighs up a study on the role of evolution in conditions such as depression and anxiety.
February 4, 2019
Links between gut microbes and depression strengthened
The once-wild idea that intestinal bacteria influence mental health has transformed into a major research pursuit.
February 4, 2019
Arctic scientists iced out by US–India radar mission
Managers’ decision to focus their satellite on the Antarctic has upset some researchers who study ice around the northern pole.
January 31, 2019
Forget everything you know about 3D printing — the ‘replicator’ is here
Rather than building objects layer by layer, the printer creates whole structures by projecting light into a resin that solidifies.
January 31, 2019
How machine learning could keep dangerous DNA out of terrorists' hands
Sophisticated algorithms could help DNA-synthesis companies avoid making dangerous organisms on demand.
January 30, 2019
US climate costs will be highest in Republican strongholds
Districts where politicians have generally opposed climate policies will see the most economic damage this century.
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