SMART Science Content Guides for Educator Certification

SMART Science Content Guides are designed to help you prepare for teacher certification tests by providing you with up-to-date reviews of key science topics. The guides are organized by science topics; each provides an overview of specific science concepts and skills related to a general content category.
Please consult the Texas Education Agency for up to date information about certification requirements.
SMART Content Guides Disclaimer
Our objective is to provide complete, up-to-date reviews of science topics that might be included on Texas Educator certification examinations. Descriptions and resources presented here are provided solely for informational purposes. They are not reproduced or distilled from any Texas Education Agency (TEA) documents or summaries. BioEd Online does not guarantee that an applicant will pass an educator certification examination after having utilized SMART Science Content Guides, and disclaims any expressed or implied warrantees regarding the suitability of materials provided for this purpose. To obtain the most current and comprehensive views about preparing for teacher certification, and the most thorough understanding of potential content on any Texas educator certification examination, prospective teachers are encouraged to supplement, and to compare information provided here with that from other sources, including TEA.SMART Content Guides were developed by the Center for Educational Outreach at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) and funded by the Houston Independent School District (HISD) through grant number U350AD0035, Science and Mathematics Alternative Route to Teaching (SMART), from the US Department of Education. The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in the Guides are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of BCM, HISD, the Texas Education Agency or the US Department of Education.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute; National Center for Research Resources (NIH);
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIH);
National Science Foundation.