Air Demonstration Slide Sets
View or download slide sets used in many of the demonstration videos for the Air unit. Links are provided for available videos.
What Is Air? (pre-assessment)
Slide Set
Learn how best to proceed with the assessment, "What Is Air?" to estimate students' prior knowledge of science related to air, gases, breathing and respiration, indoor air quality and environmental health.
Gases Matter
Slide Set
Discover tips for teaching the lesson, "Gases Matter," in which students are introduced to the concept of gases.
About Air
Slide Set
Learn helpful techniques for how to teach the lesson, "About Air," in which students use popcorn of different colors to model the composition of air.
Moving Air
Slide Set
Discover how best to teach the lesson, "Moving Air," in which students observe how warming or cooling a small amount of air changes how much space it occupies inside a bubble.
Breathing Machine
Slide Set
Find helpful techniques for how to teach the lesson, "Breathing Machine," in which students create a model that approximates how the lungs, chest and diaphragm interact during breathing.
Lungometer: Vital Lung Capacity
Slide Set
Learn how to teach the lesson, "Lungometer," in which students learn about their own vital lung capacities: the amount of air that can be forced out of the lungs in a single breath.
Heart and Lungs
Slide Set
Learn how best to conduct the activity, "Heart and Lungs," in which students investigate their breathing and pulse rates and how these measurements are affected by physical activity.
There's Something in the Air
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Discover tips for teaching the lesson, "There's Something in the Air," in which students compare the dispersal of odors, both inside and outdoors.
Dust Catchers
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Discover tips for teaching the lesson, "Dust Catchers," in which students make a simple device to collect particles from the air at home or in the classroom.
Fungus Among Us
Slide Set
Learn how best to teach the lesson, "Fungus Among Us," in which students grow and observe bread mold and other kinds of common fungi.
Healthy Homes (post-assessment)
Slide Set
Find tips for how to proceed with the "Healthy Homes," in which students demonstrate what they have learned about air composition, breathing, indoor and outdoor air quality.