Global Atmospheric Change

© Frameangel. Licensed for use.
Students investigate sources of energy and how they can affect the atmosphere and global ecology
Designed for use with The Science of Global Atmospheric Change Teacher’s Guide, this slide set enables students to explore the components of visible light, characteristics of Earth's atmosphere, fossil fuels and the carbon cycle, combustion, conversion of food to energy, skin protection, use of heat from the sun, the greenhouse effect, and how climate affects living conditions in different parts of the world.
Funded by the following grant(s)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH

My Health My World: National Dissemination
Grant Number: 5R25ES009259
The Environment as a Context for Opportunities in Schools
Grant Number: 5R25ES010698, R25ES06932
Houston Endowment Inc.
Foundations for the Future: Capitalizing on Technology to Promote Equity, Access and Quality in Elementary Science Education