Water Demonstration Slide Sets
View or download slide sets used in many of the demonstration videos for the Water unit. Links are provided for available videos.
What Makes Water Special?
Slide SetDiscover tips for teaching "What Makes Water Special?" in which students explore and compare physical properties of water and oil.
What Dissolves in Water?
Slide SetLearn how best to teach the lesson, "What Dissolves in Water?" in which students investigate whether several common substances are soluble in water.
What Is the Water Cycle?
Slide SetDiscover tips for teaching the lesson, "What Is the Water Cycle?" in which students create and investigate a simple model of the water cycle.
How Do We Use Water?
Slide SetDiscover tips for teaching the lesson, "How Do We Use Water?" in which students keep a personal "Water Use Journal" for one day.
How Much Water Is in a Fruit?
Slide SetDiscover tips for teaching the lesson, "How Much Water Is in a Fruit?" in which students investigate and compare the amount of water in an orange and an apple.
How Much Water Do Humans Need?
Slide SetLearn how best to conduct the activity, "How Much Water Do Humans Need?" in which students learn how much water is used and lost during a variety of common daily activities.
What Is a One Part Per Million Solution?
Slide SetsLearn helpful techniques for how to teach the lesson, "What Is a One Part Per Million Solution?" in which students make a solution of food coloring that has a concentration of one part per million.
How Can We Find Out What Is in Water?
Slide SetLearn helpful techniques for how to teach the lesson, "How Can We Find Out What Is in Water?" in which students use simple paper chromatography to investigate a mystery liquid.
Can Nutrients in Water Cause Harm?
Slide SetLearn tips for teaching the lesson, “Can Nutrients in Water Cause Harm?” in which students create pond water cultures and investigate the impacts of adding chemical or natural nutrients.