Human Organism
Human body, organs, body systems, human physiology, health and wellness
Adolescent Nutrition
Slide SetMost nutritional problems in adolescents are related to the consumption of too much “junk food,” or food with limited or no nutritional value, which eventually, will lead to health care problems.
Slide SetHomeostasis is the state of constancy within an internal environment. Wade Haaland, PhD, explains the basics of homeostasis in the human body, with particular emphasis on the relationship between homeostasis and diabetes.
Human Body Systems
Slide SetsThe human body is made up of several discrete body systems that work together to perform specific functions. Find out whese structures look like (anatomy), and learn about their functions (physiology).
The Human Body
Slide SetBasic review of the human body, including levels of organization, types of tissues, different organ systems, disease prevention in humans, and homeostasis.