Grades K–2

- Grades:
- K-2
Explore fun activities and resources that connect science content to health and wellness. Learning about the environment and the world around us supports students’ school-based studies and introduces them to basic concepts with important implications in modern society.

Can You Imagine Being a Spider?
A little turtle and her siblings wonder what life would be like as another animal. What would they need? The story links to hands-on activities and supplemental material related to the story.

Do You Hear What I Hear?
Listen and identify sounds with this interactive PowerPoint presentation. Slides include additional activities that enable exploration of how the brain works.

Who’s Taking the Spinach from the Garden?
Everyone loves a good mystery! Meet Riff and Rosie as they try to solve this one. Use the links below to download the storybook and a related activity on food and nutrition.

What Kind of Paper Makes the Best Boat?
Use this template to make a paper boat out of different kinds of paper and investigate which kinds of paper work best!
A related storybook, “Mystery of Muddled Marsh,” can be found at the second link below.

Take It to the Sky!
Make a paper flyer using this easy template. Then read the storybook “Mr. Slaptail’s Secret” (second link below).

Extend the Learning with Engineering!
These hands-on activities use household items to introduce young learners to construction with an engineer’s point of view.

Put a New Spin on Art!
Make a paper pinwheel using household items. Then explore energy use with the storybook Mr Slaptail’s Curious Contraption.