What really happens to our hair and fingernails after we die?
The Body Explained
The Body Explained, with Cassius Bordelon, PhD, is a light-hearted video series that answers common questions about how the human body works. Segments generally run one minute and are designed to help capture students' attention and curiosity. Dr. Bordelon is an Associate Professor of Cell Biology at Baylor College of Medicine and an expert on anatomy.
What Causes Your Stomach to Growl?
VideoHas your stomach growled in a quiet classroom? What causes it to behave that way?
What is The Funny Bone?
VideoThere's nothing funny about hitting your funny bone—it hurts! So what is it?
What Makes Our Teeth Chatter When We Get Cold?
VideoYou're out in cold weather and your teeth start chattering. What causes that?
Why Do Onions Make You Cry?
VideoWhat is it about onions that makes us cry?
Why Do Our Ears Pop?
VideoOur ears pop in airplanes in flight, and sometimes when we have a cold. What makes that happen?
Why Do We Sneeze?
VideoAllergy season seems to happen all year. But winter seems especially problematic for our health. Why?
Why Does Your Nose Run When You Cry?
VideoTears come from your eyes when you cry. But why does your nose run, too?