Content Presentations
Our streaming video presentations have been produced and peer-reviewed by content experts, are available from multiple sources, and cover many key science topics.
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Animals: Form and Function
PresentationsMovement, life cycles, reproduction, animal body types, body systems, maintaining the internal environment, adaptations, development
Brain and Behavior
PresentationsNervous system, brain, senses, movement, neurotransmission, learning and memory, drugs, diseases of the nervous system, instincts, plasticity, receptor
PresentationsProkaryotic and eukaryotic cells, mitosis, meiosis, cell cycle, membranes, organization and substructures
PresentationsSolutions, dilutions, chemical bonds, acids and bases, organic (carbon-containing) molecules, macromolecules, water
Diversity and Classification
PresentationsSpecies diversity, systems of classification, process of classification (grouping of organisms based on shared characteristics)
Earth and Its Resources
PresentationsGlobal environmental issues, oceans, weather, cycles of matter and energy, carbon, water, rock, landforms, fossil fuel, alternative energy
PresentationsEcosystems, communities, populations, energy transfer (food chains and webs), soil science, conservation
Forces and Motion
Mass, acceleration, change, momentum, Newton's laws, push, pull, friction, kinetic, potential
Genetics and Inheritance
PresentationsPatterns of inheritance, Mendelian genetics, variation of traits, pedigrees
Human Organism
PresentationsHuman body, organs, body systems, human physiology, health and wellness
Matter and Energy Flow
PresentationsMaterials, properties of matter, phases (solid, liquid, gases); energy flow, including processes in living systems (respiration, fermentation, photosynthesis, energy reactions in cells)
PresentationsBacteria, archaebacteria, fungi, protists, algae, viruses, infectious diseases, helpful microorganisms, microbiome
Molecular Genetics
PresentationsDNA and RNA structure and function, gene regulation, proteins, mutation, viral structures and replication, genomics, medical genetics
Space Life Sciences
PresentationsEffects of microgravity on body systems, countermeasures to promote astronaut health in space
Space Science
PresentationsSun, solar system, planet, star, galaxy, moon, orbit
Tools and Techniques
PresentationsIntroduction to science laboratory tools, techniques and best practices.
Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation
Light, speed, frequency, wavelength, reflection, refraction, transmission, resonance, phase, absorption, spectrum