
Aspergillus fungal spores.
Courtesy of the CDC/15145.
Bacteria, archaebacteria, fungi, protists, algae, viruses, infectious diseases, helpful microorganisms, microbiome
What Do You Know About Microbes? (pre-assessment)
Lead your class in a pre-assessment activity that evaluates students' understanding of microbes by having them estimate the mass of microbes in the human body, and then begin group concept maps.ons, development.
Tools of Magnification
Tips for introducing students to the microscope; and demonstration of how simple water drops and hand lenses magnify objects.
Magnifying and Observing Cells
Easy tips to guide students in an activity that teaches them all organisms are composed of cells, and best practices as they make slides of onion skin cells and Elodea to observe under a microscope.
Observing Different Microbes
Let this video guide you through a classroom activity in which students use a microscope to examine three different microbes: bacteria, yeast and paramecia.
The Variety and Roles of Microbes
Lead your students in an activity that teaches them about the four major groups of microbes, and the about beneficial roles that microbes play in the natural world and in various human manufacturing processes.
Comparing Sizes of Microorganisms
Tips to help students as they create scale models of microorganisms, and subsequently use metric measures to compare the relative sizes of common bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa.
Milestones in Microbiology
Guided activity to help students understand that most scientific discoveries are related to other work, and that scientific advances often depend on the development of appropriate tools and techniques.
Microbes Are Everywhere
Safe practices for the classroom in working with microbes (in this experiment, mostly bacteria) in an activity that demonstrates how microbes can rapidly grow in number to form colonies.
Defending Against Microbes
Learn how to best guide your students in an activity that teaches them about mechanisms used by the body's immune system to fight microbes and protect us from disease.
Infectious Disease Case Study
Discover how to effectively lead your students in an activity in which they determine whether a patient has a cold, the flu or a strep infection. Students also will learn the differences between bacterial and viral infections.
Microbes and Disease
Teaching tips for how to have students read and collect information on several dangerous pathogens, and help them learn about the serious impacts of disease on individuals and societies.
And Now, What Do You Know About Microbes? (post-assessment)
Learn how best to conduct this post-assessment activity, during which students share what they have learned during the unit by revisiting their concept maps and completing a content knowledge questionnaire.