Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation

© Baylor College of Medicine\JP Denk.
Light, speed, frequency, wavelength, reflection, refraction, transmission, resonance, phase, absorption, spectrum
A Sound Education
What is sound? Join Greg Vogt, EdD, as he defines sound as a form of energy, explores the process of energy transfer and provides in-depth information about the properties of sound waves.
A Sound Education: Glass Orchestra
Discover how air, glass and water can be used to make music! Join Greg Vogt, EdD, as he shows you how to create a glass orchestra.
A Sound Education: Good Vibrations
Can you “see” sounds? Greg Vogt, Ed.D, demonstrates that sound is made up of vibrations.
A Sound Education: Heavy Metal
Remember the xylophone? Greg Vogt, EdD, describes how to build and play a similar instrument, a metallophone, to use as a teaching instrument on properties of sound.
A Sound Education: Wacky Waves
Did you know that sound travels through solids? Join Greg Vogt, EdD, as he explains how to use or make simple objects that will demonstrate how sound travels.